
Why Masturbating With Your Partner Is The Best?

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Why Masturbating With Your Partner Can Be Really Fun

Great communication

Masturbating together is a very good way to show your partner what exactly makes you climax with pleasure. Most of the time, people do not understand what exactly their partner likes. So an upfront show will work well.


By masturbating together, you and your partner will become even more comfortable talking about sex. Talking about what makes you feel good will bridge the gap about sex between you and your partner.


Sex requires a lot of physical exertion and if you are not feeling up to it, masturbating can be a great option. It doesn’t require a lot of physical exertion, you only have to feel the pleasure and move your hands.

Sex, sex and more sex!

Masturbation is hot. And steamy. It will initiate feelings of sex that will make the whole experience a whole lot fun. The sexual feelings will arise and you may feel even hornier when masturbating. If you think sex is a lot of work, masturbating can make it seem that you are indeed ready to plunge into sex more than you thought.
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